Ph.D. candidate Estefania Palacios won the honorable mention Galo Chiriboga dissertation award last year for their project entitled “'Individually, we are a drop. Together, we are a river ': Analysis of the rural women's participation in community water systems in Ecuador”, where her focus is to contribute to the emerging discussions about the socio-territorial conflicts of water in Ecuador and to develop a better understanding of the ways in which water, power and gender affect the community water management and the daily life of women. This acknowledgment was awarded by the Latin American Center for Rural Development (one of the most popular centers in Latin America) to the best proposal dissertation. Palacios was selected from a total of 36 applications from different countries, including Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, and Peru, and also candidates from Canadian universities, Spain, United States, and the Netherlands. Palacios, sat down with us to discuss their current research on power relationships in community water systems of southeast Ecuador after receiving the award. Watch their interview here! Ph.D. student Caroline Narron was a finalist this year for the Three Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition! This is a research communication competition at the University of Georgia where master’s and doctoral students have three minutes to present a compelling oration on their thesis or dissertation topic and its significance, primarily to lay audiences. Narron gave her talk on "Coastline Redefined? Tidal marsh flooding, climate change, and their impact on the Georgia Coast." Narron sat down with us to discuss her current research on carbon sequestration in coastal sediments after competing in the Three Minute Thesis competition. Narron's research is particularly focused on flooding in coastal environments and how frequency of flooding has been changing through time, with implications of her research geared towards helping those living in coastal communities in the short-term and to add to the larger conversation on climate change. Watch their interview here!