Links to all forms, handbooks, and checklists can be found on this page (below) or at the Graduate School website at Forms - UGA Graduate School
In-House = form required and tracked by Geography.
GradStatus = form required and tracked by Grad School.
Enrolled Student Progress Portal = submit Advisory Committee form to the Graduate School
All “paperwork” is now digital.
GPA = Graduate Program Administrator (Fabiana Hayden)
Grad School Important Dates and Deadlines for Graduation:
Major Professor - In-House form completed and submitted by student to GPA.
Program of Study (POS) - GradStatus form. Submitted by student and must be approved by Grad School at least two weeks before the final thesis oral defense form will be created by Grad School. Do this as soon as coursework is completed.
Thesis Research Proposal - In house form managed by advisor → Student sends
details of the defense (date, time, title, and committee members) to the GPA at least two weeks in advance. GPA will coordinate the room and send the announcement. Advisor sends fully signed form to GPA.
Thesis Defense -- GradStatus form managed by GPA and approved by committee. Student sends information (day, time, title, committee members) to GPA at least two weeks in advance. GPA creates digital form in GradStatus, signed electronically by committee.
NOTE: There are several steps overseen by the Grad School during the semester of graduation. Please keep track and follow them at the “Important Dates and Deadlines” link above.
Major Professor - In-House form completed and submitted by student to GPA.
Preliminary POS - In-House form. This is a “practice” POS for the students. Student needs to fill out what they have done and expect to do and send to GPA. It can and will change before the real POS.
Dissertation Research Proposal - In house form managed by advisor → Student sends details of the defense (date, time, title, and committee members) to the GPA at least two weeks in advance. GPA will coordinate the room and send the announcement. Advisor sends fully signed form to GPA.
Final Program of Study (POS) - GradStatus form. Submitted by student and must be approved by Grad School at least two weeks before the comprehensive exam oral defense form will be created by Grad School.
Oral Comps Exam -- Grad Status form. GPA submits an announcement to the Grad School via GradStatus, then Grad School creates from. POS must be approved before Grad School will create the approval form.
Admission to Candidacy - Grad Status form. Completed by student when all coursework completed and proposal and comps successfully defended.
Dissertation Defense -- GradStatus form managed by GPA and approved by committee. Student sends information (day, time, title, committee members) to GPA at least two weeks in advance. GPA creates digital form in GradStatus, signed electronically by committee.
NOTE: There are several steps overseen by the Grad School during the semester of graduation. Please keep track and follow them at the “Important Dates and Deadlines” link above.